Caring for Plants in the House To Stay Happy And Healthy
The amount of light received by the plants is crucial for their survival. Look for information about the plant before deciding where to put it. Because the light entering into the room tends to minimal, often limited to your choice of plants that require little light / shade, unless you have a large window facing north. There are many plants that can survive if placed next to a brightly lit window.
Too much watering was not allowed, because most plants do not like waterlogged roots. It will make the roots rot and stand in the way of oxygen to the roots, thus slowing growth and kill him. The soil should be allowed to dry before watering again, except for the family of ferns and plants that should always be damp. You can test the soil by lifting the pot to feel the weight, or by sticking a finger into the soil to the depth of moisture. After the ground, or a few centimeters pertamanyasudah dry, flush the plant completely. Make sure the soil is wet, then let the excess water drain out.
Feed houseplants with a good organic liquid fertilizer about once a month or every fourth watering.
Pests & Diseases
Indoor plants more susceptible to pests and diseases, because of the warm air and lack of air circulation. Keep an eye on the signs or strange colors on the leaves, or the traces of pests on plants. To fix this, take better photos of your plants to store crops to identify problems and select the appropriate product.
Tip: Use dishwashing liquid diluted with warm water on the leaves can eliminate pests or fungi - but not to the ground.
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