Apartment balcony garden designs
No one deny that choose to live in the apartment is very beneficial and practical. Close to the work site, all the facilities provided by the managers of apartments, ranging from security to laundry.
But there are things that may be lost without you realizing it. If your hobby of gardening, this one pleasure that you can not do with a limited area in your apartment. Living in an apartment does not allow you to have a spacious garden, let alone a garden.
But you do not need to worry, because with a little creativity, you can turn your apartment balcony into a lush vegetable garden. It's easy to make, because you only need to provide a container or potted plants for planting spot. In addition, by using a pot, you will be easy to arrange, just move the pots to your liking. Not only that, you'll save water, because with this pot system, water used to be much more efficient than if planted directly into the ground.
Some tips you can use as a guide if you want to create a vegetable garden on the balcony. You can create a unique garden in accordance with your favorite plants.
- Choose the type of plants that require easy maintenance such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, green beans or spinach. Use a little of your creativity, then this plant can be grown in pots and arranged to decorate your apartment balcony.
- The size of the plant container, because the size of the container depends on the type of crop plants to be planted. For example, tomatoes require container measuring 18 inches, while pepper fit with small-sized pot.
- To launch an irrigation system in the pot, before planting medium sprinkled, first give small stones or pebbles in the bottom of the pot.
- As a soil fertilizer, mix compost in growing media, because plants also need nutrients for growth and development.
- As with plants, you still have to make watering the plants every day and put in place according to his needs. For example, tomatoes need a place that is always exposed to sun exposure, while spinach and lettuce better put in a bit of shade. Make sure you get the plants in the balcony had been illuminated for at least 6 hours of direct sun a day.
- Use trellises and fences balcony as the propagating and supporting your plants, such as tomatoes, cucumbers or beans. Not only calm, your vegetable plants will increasingly look beautiful to decorate your apartment balcony.
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